Monday, October 15, 2012

Baby Steps

One of the biggest obstacles in our lives, is the approval seeking process we go through as children.  We spend most of our formative years, wanting approval, for everything from learning to walk, to our friends, and the way we act in public with others.

I have always prided myself with my ability to 'behave' in public (so to speak) and I have tried to teach my children the same thing, and I pride myself on the comments I get, from others, about my children when they are out.  I have tried to teach them what is acceptable, and what isn't, which brings me to today's post ....

I have seen all types of behavior, being a child care provider, and a parent.  You see that child in Walmart having a temper tantrum, and the first thing you say is " OMG look at how they are behaving ".  I have realized that it's not always the child's fault on how they behave, because they don't 'understand' the consequences of their actions.  We, as parents are supposed to be teaching our children what's acceptable, and what isn't.

I have been in situations where I would love to go out, but my child isn't feeling well, or they are tired.  What do you do ?  Do you risk the all mighty 'melt down' in the store, because you KNOW that your child is tired, or do you let them nap, and then go out ?  I've done both, and let me tell you, I've learned one thing in the past (almost) 11 years ... Groceries will wait, shopping will wait, but our children grow up way too fast.

Cherish your children, have a great day.

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